Friday, April 24, 2009

Interesting Article - Wisdom and Leadership

Hello team,

Your friend, arbet considered the following article
interesting and wanted to send it to you:

Wisdom and Leadership
By Rosalinda Martinez

How do some people manage to be richer and successful than others? What are the secrets they keep? What are the qualities and attitudes they have? What are the rules they follow? How do they work? These are only some of our questions about the challenges of business leadership.

Message from arbet:
Joy and hight expectations in life and business. A mythology has developed around corporate leaders

Interesting Article - There is No Tomorrow

Hello mas Rama Zakaria,

Your friend, arbet considered the following article
interesting and wanted to send it to you:

There is No Tomorrow
By Tim Connor

I'm not being pessimistic here just wanted to get your attention. Yes, there is always tomorrow for some people but not everyone. Not everyone gets to witness the beauty of a new sunrise or a new day to learn, laugh, play, work or love. However most people tend to live their lives as if tomorrow was assured; well it isn't for you, for me, for anyone. So, how are we supposed to live if there is no tomorrow?

Message from arbet:
self motivation tips for your life and self motivation for your business. Joy and hight expectations in life

Interesting Article - Learning to Motivate Yourself

Hello edo,

Your friend, arbet considered the following article
interesting and wanted to send it to you:

Learning to Motivate Yourself
By Shreya Raja

Everyone face problems in life. There is need to think and act judiciously. Motivating oneself is the key to success

Message from arbet:
self motivation for your life and business

The Balance of (Personal) Power

Momentum is a crazily powerful thing. Reliving the Piper Alpha disaster (6 July 1988) recently, it was said that one of the key reasons why the two associated rigs (Tartan and Claymore) didn't shut down their colossal gas feeds to the stricken Piper, feeding the fire and explosions, was due to the momentum of production versus the incredible efforts required in regaining full production (momentum) after an emergency shutdown sequence. 

167 people died as a result of the Piper Alpha disaster.[1]

Momentum, once lost, requires enormous costs and efforts to regain it.

Personally, it was apparent to me recently, with struggles 're-starting' a healthy diet regime, that my dreams were awakening me to the past. In the early days of regaining the momentum we're constantly reminded how weak we presently are, both consciously and subconsciously, and how tenuous the journey ahead is. Yet we best continue one leg in front of the other, focused single-mindedly on our goal.

I've found my dreams are a very real indicator of my subconscious mind's status with regard to my present (at the time) momentum.  If I'm dreaming things consistent with my goals, I'm trending well and the journey ahead is clear of potential icebergs. 

There are, of course, apparitions and sometimes--say if we've quit smoking, and we wake up in a lather of sweat after having dreamt that we were smoking, or if we're married and we dreamt of being with someone else--we need to put these things behind us, using them as reminders of, and goads toward, the real dreams ahead... our goals.

By and large, dreams show us where we are, or where we could be, and where our fears might lie. Having reformed ourselves from certain vices doesn't mean we don't still fear them. A healthy level of fear is a positive, motivating thing.

Progress is an amazing construct. We can look back at the momentum we've build up. Keeping it going is the easy thing provided we remain focused one day at a time. Stop it, and like the throughput of an oil production platform and we can take weeks, months and even years to get 'production' up and momentum going again. Ask any one-time reformed smoker; especially the ones who never again gave it up , or any of us who lost weight only to regain it again.

Build and gain momentum; don't be swayed by apparitions; stay focused one day at a time.

Copyright © 2009, S. J. Wickham.  All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

[1] More information see:

4 Laws Of Marketing

by Dave Sherwin

 While there's many laws of marketing, these four laws particularly apply to the home based market. And while they are  very simple, I think the reason for failure among the home based market crowd is often a misunderstanding of one or all of  these laws:

Law 1. It's a numbers game.

Whoever markets to the most people usually wins. This one is tough for the rookie. They don't know how to generate large numbers, so they end up wasting too much time on too few people. Better to invest time in additional marketing, social connecting, and advertising than waste time on that tired old list.

Law 2. Prospects buy on their time table, not yours.

Bummer. The game would be a lot easier if they would just buy the minute they see our offer! Unfortunately, research shows us that most people don't buy until the seventh exposure to our product or service. One study of sales indicates that many phone sales aren't made until the fifth call! So if you aren't building a list, marketing consistently, and finding new and creative ways to give value to your prospects, you're in trouble.

Law 3. When a prospect is ready to buy, they buy from the most convenient source.

This is particularly frustrating with warm market purchases. You would think those people that knew you best would know what you do and purchase from you when they are ready. Unfortunately, peoples attention spans are very short! So don't be surprised to walk into your friends house and discover your competitors product on a shelf- if you haven't been doing some sort of passive, on-going drip campaign.

Law 4. The "Fisherman's Law."

The Fisherman's Law is very simple. Choose the lake with the most fish! Why cast your line into an un-stocked lake? As a marketer, you get to choose where you market, so make sure and choose the place with a huge school of hungry fish! This is particularly true on the internet. Don't waste your time marketing on sites that don't get traffic. There are too many big, successful, free sites to work your magic on to waste time on the small stuff.

So out of the many laws of marketing, do a quick "check up from the neck up" and see how well you're handling these four. Chances are, you can improve in one or all areas. And even a tiny improvement in each of these four laws of marketing can result in huge returns for you!

About the Author

Dave Sherwin is the co-founder of the Lighthouse Marketing System, an all in one marketing solution for online marketing professionals.

His blog is one of the highest traffic home business blogs on the web:

Finding Work At Home Jobs is Getting Easier

by Kathleen Walter

Finding a job online is getting easier and easier as more businesses recognize the importance of the growing number of people want to work from home.
As more people work second jobs to make ends meet thanks to this tough economy, there are just as many looking for ways to make extra cash with work at home jobs and are turning to their computers to do it. Take a look at your local newspaper's Help Wanted section. Chances are, it's a lot thinner than it used to be and that's not only because of the worsening job market. It's because companies are turning to the Internet to post jobs.
Many job sites are free, and others require a small fee in order to gain access to the listings there. Craigslist has become a popular site for people who are looking for contract work. Be careful, though, as Craigslist has been the site of more than one scam perpetrated. One of the wonderful aspects of the Internet and electronic technology in general, is that it allows people to work from home doing jobs that had traditionally been in an office. People are finding that not only can they create their own jobs, doing such tasks as web design, freelance writing, and graphic arts, they can also find other positions, such as computer program design, virtual assistant positions, even telemarketing and call center work.
In addition to finding work at home jobs, many people are making money by starting their own businesses. The Internet is filled with opportunities, many involving multi-level marketing programs. A word of caution: avoid any site that is more hype that reality. Any business, including MLMs, requires hard work and dedication to make them work. In an MLM, the business owner receives a commission for the products sold and in addition, they also receive a commission for recruiting others to sell the same product, and some times a commission on their recruit's sales.
These businesses require that people stay involved long enough to earn money. One of the negative aspects of these types of businesses is attrition. People simply do not put the effort into them that is required to make them work.
Another way people are making money working at home is through affiliate marketing programs, and the key to success with this type of business is to drive people to your website. Ever go to a website and seen it lined with GoogleAds? Every time someone clicks a link listed as a GoogleAd, the website owner gets a small commission. It's called pay-per-click and quite a few people are making pretty good money with it. Again, making money with such a business doesn't happen overnight or by itself. You have to get thousands of people to your website in order to make any real money this way.
Whether you work for someone else or decide to go it on your own with a computer-based business, it has never been easier to make some extra money online than it is right now. Many people are finding their computer and the Internet is their best friend during this economic downturn.

About the Author

Kathleen Walter is the owner of and reviews popular home business ideas and opportunities. Kathleen's online business focuses on building an at home business by creating a solid foundation with products that offer a high level of success.

How to Stay Motivated!

By Michael Angier

What motivates you? How do you stay focused?

We're all motivated a little differently. Some of us are turned on by money-or rather what we think the money will do for us. Others are motivated by ego and the drive for glory. Sometimes, we're motivated by fear-of loss, of death, of loneliness and a host of other things. Still others are driven by the desire to help people.

What we need is drive that doesn't drive us over the edge. We need motivation that keeps us going through the discouraging times. We need motivation that enables us to consistently do what we know we need to do and then to do it at a level of excellence of which we can be proud.

I can't say what will work for you, but I'd like to share what's worked for me in my 50-plus trips around the sun. These are what I call the three keys to developing sustained motivation.

Key 1: A Purpose to Live For 
First and foremost in staying motivated is to have a strong purpose. One person with a dream can accomplish more than 100 others without one. If you have a burning desire, you can accomplish anything. The biographies of great men and women are full of stories of how they did seemingly impossible things because they had a dream.

Much of the time, people are expending too much effort working on the "how," when what they really need to focus on is the "why." If you don't have a strong enough reason, you won't find out what you need to know, you won't do the things you need to do, when you need to do them.

We're either motivated by moving away from something or moving toward something. Each can be a driving force, but I believe moving toward a worthy purpose will provide the greatest fulfillment.

One of the most important things you can do to ensure your success is to be clear on your life purpose.

Key 2: A Self to Live With 
Too many times, I've seen people doing the right things and even doing them for good reasons, but they self-destruct because they don't feel worthy. They've taken shortcuts. They've not done the little things that add up to being a big person.

When the person we are and the person we "appear" to be are inconsistent, we're at cross purposes to ourselves-we're out of integrity. And as Bucky Fuller said, "Integrity is the essence of everything successful."

Fanny Brice said it quite eloquently, "Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be-because sooner or later, if you're posing, you will forget the pose and then where are you?" It takes far too much energy to be someone other than who you are-so just be yourself. Besides, there's nobody better qualified.

We must learn to appreciate and accept ourselves. In doing so, we can love and accept others more easily.

Key 3: A Faith to Live By 
I've never met or studied anyone, whom I would consider to be successful, who did not have strong faith. To have sustained motivation, it's necessary to have a powerful faith-in yourself, in your product, in your team, in your purpose-in something greater than yourself.

I think that developing this faith is best done with quiet intro-spection, by listening and by being open to a higher power and presence-what Napoleon Hill called "Infinite Intelligence."

When I'm in tune with this Infinite Wisdom, my life works. When I'm not, it doesn't. When I'm "in the flow," things seem to come to me with ease. "Coincidences" happen that don't seem to occur when I'm operating separately.

It hasn't always been the case, but I've learned to love myself even when I screw up. I don't spend much time at pity parties feeling sorry for myself. I've learned to accept and even laugh at my failings and then look for what they can teach me.

I realize that I won't ever fully accomplish my purpose. That's why I will never retire. I fully expect to live to be 120 years old in good health. And if I died tomorrow, I would make my transition knowing that I'm living my life on purpose. That keeps me at peace. It keeps me motivated.

Michael Angier is founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer) of SuccessNet - a support network helping people and businesses grow and prosper. Get their free Resource Book ($27 value) of products, services and tools for running your business more effectively. And most of the over 150 resources are FREE to access and use.

7 Tips For High Motivation Levels

With the proper motivation your productivity soars. Without it there is little desire to do anything. You don't have to be at the mercy of motivation levels that are high one day and low the next. Here are 7 tips for high motivation levels.

Use the Power of Expectation- Go about doing every task with the expectation of it being successful. It is easier to get going when you believe that your work will yield positive results. Expectation is an ability that is well within your control. It is the opposite of what you do when you worry. Worry causes us to draw back. When we are worried it makes us want to take a passive approach to our work because we don't believe what we are doing is going to work. Expectation propels us into action. When you expect good results to come from your work you are motivated to do that work.

Use Solid Planning- Make good plans. Good planning gives you confidence. You know when you take action it has been formulated to give you success. That knowing gives you the motivation to step out and do what you need to do.

Stick to It- Keep doing what needs to be done even when you feel like quitting. Consistently apply the necessary work until you experience your desired outcome.

Don't Wait, Do- Rather than waiting to be inspired go ahead and do the work. The mere act of starting will give you energy and excitement. You will gain motivation by taking the initiative.

Get Up- When you get knocked down get back up. Be like a child that is learning to walk. Just because she falls down she doesn't stay there. She keeps trying. She maintains her enthusiasm for walking. Eventually after much trial and error the child learns to walk. Going after goals should elicit the same type of determination. You will not continue failing if you keep trying. Your continued effort will eventually yield positive results. Use this thought to motivate yourself to keep going until experience the desired outcome.

Get the Action Habit- Make action the first impulse. When faced with a challenge think to yourself,"What can I do right now to remedy this situation?" Then do what comes to mind. Motivation follows action. It is not the other way around.

Celebrate Success- As you overcome obstacles and challenges celebrate. Get excited about growth and improvement. Whatever gets rewarded gets repeated. The more you make a big deal out of your successes the more you will want to duplicate the actions that caused them.

And now I would like to invite you to claim your free access to my special report "Motivation Keys" by going to

Hiring a Motivational Speaker - How it Can Help Your Business

If you have ever attended a workshop or meeting where a motivational speaker addressed the crowd, you know just how motivating their speeches can be. The goal of such speeches is to offer support and encouragement with regard to work, home, or relationship issues. For businesses however, hiring a speaker to address your employees can solve many workplace issues. While it can be costly to bring someone in for a seminar, the benefits can greatly outweigh any cost.

- Increase Positive Thinking - Particularly in sales driven businesses, it is easy for workers to fall into a rut. The overall attitude in the department turns negative with the bad attitude of just one employee. Salesman and women often need extra encouragement and support to make it through the slow times. Listening to a motivational speech can recharge and energize these workers and give them a more positive frame of mind.

- Look at Things in a New Light - If your employees are looking at a new work process or specific productivity guidelines as a burden, a speaker may be able to help. A motivational talk can give employees a new perspective, helping them to look at challenges and obstacles in a new light, and easing their discomfort with them.

- Overcome Obstacles and Fears - Motivational speeches are not only great for encouragement, but problem solving as well. Not only will employees see challenges differently, but they can learn new ways to approach and conquer them. Your employees may be in a rut simply because of the fear they cannot succeed at your expectations. Speakers can help release the fears by showing your employees how they can meet goals in ways they may have not thought of before.

Think of bringing in a motivational speaker for your employees as an investment in your business. The cost of hiring a speaker will be paid for in no time. With new found eagerness and a boost of confidence, they will be well on their way to bringing in more sales and more profit. Chances are you will also have the added benefit of a more positive and uplifting working atmosphere.

A motivational speaker?
That is only the beginning. You can go well beyond "motivational speaker" issues and gain some truly life-altering perspective. I wholeheartedly recommend a visit to this website:

"How Do I Make Money In Data Entry"? Why Is There A Cost?

by Merry R.

Making Money From Home in Data Entry Is Real--All You Need is TrainingAs an internet marketer and auhthor, I am constantly asked why it costs to get into the Data Entry Industry? I will attempt to shed some light on this frequently asked question and direct you in the right direction to get you started immediately. I will also include options that are FREE, but there is a downside to Free Work From Home Data Entry and I will also enlighten you about that.
Have you ever tried or You can google freelance sites, and you can apply for work on these sites. There is also where you can start out as an employee in data entry. These websites allow you to post your skills online and bid for work. This is one avenue you can take to do data entry online. Do not cut yourself short by not taking action because of the huge scam fear that publishers are putting online to scare you away. They know that internet data entry is real-that is why they are writing on the internet themselves. With the above options, there is a downside: You still have to get hired though, like any "job".
If you ever want to work from home for yourself, the best way is to start your own online internet business. Here is an article you might want to save in your favorites for when you have made the money to invest in internet business education and training right from your home. The best part of it is-you earn while you earn. Starting any business costs some type of investment. You, Reader, are more than likely quite aware of this basic requirement. As an entrepreneur, you will learn many paths that are available to you, but the question is : "Can You Afford The Investment"? The Good News is a Resounding YES! You do not need a degree in the internet industry, no prior experience and not even much money!
Alternatively, There are some costs: advertising and marketing costs, maintenance costs, customer dissatisfaction costs, shipping costs, equipment upkeep, taxes, etc (like any other business). That is the main reason that roughly 95% of people who start their own business in any industry FAIL. The cost of owning a business can be unaffordable, point blank. The difference, however, about internet business is that it is the EASIEST and MOST AFFORDABLE BUSINESS EVER to startup and maintain if you know how to achieve this. The main focus, then, is to keep it simple and affordable.
There are ways to make your online business successful by implementing some training and using the correct tools that do not require too much money from you. If you just jump right in and not have ANY prior knowledge from persons WITH Experience, you are certainly setting yourself up for some monetary loss. You have to get some training, but again-the focus is AFFORDABILITY!! The reason most of us have turned to the internet business world in the first place is due to the economic recession and its whiplash effects. People have suffered job loss, job layoffs, pay cuts, are unable to pay college tuition costs, have mounting medical bills, a growing unemployment rate, are facing foreclosure and homelessness because they cannot pay the rent or mortgage, are about to have their car repossessed, and have credit card debts that have turned their credit score poor.
So, with an economic situation that is feeding these problems, the worst thing one wants to do is take on a venture that requires money that one simply cannot afford. It has to be affordable. It has to make money fast. This means that the products that will bring you money will be available to a worldwide base-and these will be available 24/7 to people who have money and want to spend it. So, now we have four basic rules of success: education and training to make sure every step is understood, your venture is affordable and within YOUR Budget, the power of using the internet-due to its worldwide impact and its very low cost, and the basic rule of supply and demand.
Your job is to provide consumers with what they desire using internet marketing and advertising. Having reached the realization that you will implement these rules for success, you want to start your business. As long as you have these four basic lessons in your goals, and with the guidance of persons who have had some experience in the field of your choice, you wll be able to succeed. Take the online business of data entry, for example. This is an industry that has the power to create WEALTH in unlimited arenas! Contrarily, however, it also has the power to bankrupt non-experienced persons. This has sadly been the case in huge numbers. The key is to pick the right one at YOUR LEVEL and YOUR BUDGET!! You should not be engaging in advanced levels of internet marketing (online data entry comes in varying stages) that require you to use Pay-Per-Click (PPC). This system debits your bank account every time someone clicks on an ad that you have written promoting a product that consumers demand. Pay Per Click is an extremely powerful wealth-generator, but only for those who already have become experts at it!! The others lost vasts amount of money to Google and have disrupted their happy lives with misery and failure as they and their families suffered. This is avoidable. You have to take it one step at a time. You have to get the correct level of learning. You have to get the basics first.
If one skips ahead, they miss out on important lessons that are detrimentally costly and have already been taught to make sure the student would not encounter such a mistake. So, as with any industry, you will need to be trained, and education is NOT FREE!! It always costs SOMETHING, even if not only money. So, to get started in an easy and affordable online business that is geared toward making money fast with basic internet marketing education, the best way is to eliminate certain headaches and just get the training. That is your entry into this high-paying industry. No one is going to just let you have free entrance into this wonderful world of making money on the internet. That is an illusion and it is as foolish as expecting to be given a degree as a doctor without having been trained-EDUCATION is REQUIRED for any high-paying job-even if it is the "job" of being self-employed.
So, now that we have addressed the illusion of being able to get in on the hottest industry that the world has ever seen, are you willing to get the training? That is the only way to get entrance. READY?
There are affordable online training classes starting from $25.00 at If you are on a budget, then start with Virtually Work, as it provides you basic internet marketing and advertising skills that require your natural talent of data entry and typing. Make money online in data entry from home with this easy training guide and use only FREE resources as you make money on auto-pilot. Go to to start today and learn how to use your internet time to make money instead of just browsing and blogging. Change your entire life with Data Entry And Typing From Home To Make Money.

World Champion Motivational Quotes and Inspirational Quotes

I just love motivational quotes and inspirational quotes. I have posters with such statements on them to keep me motivated. I believe in them because they remind us of the important attitudes in life to adopt for success. As I wrote my book, The Life Champion In You, I realized that some of my stronger statements that made it into the book could also be turned into motivational quotes and inspirational quotes. 

The main difference between these quotes and others you may have read is that these were written by me. They are part of my own philosophy in success that helped me overcome personal tragedies as well as win martial arts world championships. Of course, many motivational quotes and inspirational quotes suggest basically the same things. But the more ways we read about similar stances on achieving success, the more the underlying principles will sink into our systems.

So as part of my own contribution to our world (since we can never have enough motivation in this world), I would like to offer you the following motivational and inspirational quotes for your own journey towards your success. Hopefully, these will help you achieve everything you ever want to achieve in life.

"For every event in life, no matter how happy or horrible it might be, there is always a valuable lesson hidden in there somewhere. Sometimes it's buried underneath piles of mess but if you dig deep enough, you'll find it." 

"The entire process of becoming successful is started with making a full commitment. Making totally committed decisions is being assertive with yourself in the boldest way. This fills your mind with your goals in a way so that failure is not an option."

"If you expand one of your comfort zones in one area of life, you can then attack all other areas of life with the same confidence and the same vigor." 

"We all have the potential for greatness."

"If you were to get just a little uncomfortable and expand your comfort zone by just 10% but do it every single week, then imagine, just imagine what you would be able to accomplish in a year’s time whether it’s for your health, professional or private life."

"When you start achieving your goals, even the small ones, the confidence built up will help you weather the storms of adversity. Keep in mind that adversities can come anytime, any place, without warning, so you must be prepared. Success gives you confidence to ride through rough waves." 

"Our biggest competition is never the others. Instead, it is always ourselves. It doesn't matter if we end up with first or last place. If we do our best to do better than before, then we've won."

"You must get inspired on a regular basis. Just like vitamins, get regular doses or infusions of motivation."

So there you go. These were some of my own motivational quotes and inspirational quotes that were actual text taken right from the pages of my book. I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.

Author Info:

Clint Cora is a motivational speaker, author and martial arts karate world champion. His book, "The Life Champion In You", is about how to overcome challenges and achieve life success. It is one man's journey from personal tragedy to becoming a karate world champion. More information about his speaking programs, books, videos, more articles on motivation and success can be found at

Is There a Way to Work From Home and Make Money Without Marketing, Advertising Or Selling Anything?

by M Wilson

You may notice most business opportunities online involve you trying to market, advertise or otherwise try to sell something to other people. Almost all of them including the ones that say "no selling" require that you try to sell someone something whether it's over the phone or over the internet.
So are there ways to make money without marketing, advertising or being a sales person? There are but you typically don't hear about them much. The people who are doing these things are busy making money doing the thing instead of trying to make money selling the thing. You hear about all the selling opportunities because that's how those opportunities work is by selling the opportunity.
The work from home industry used to be dominated by network marketing or MLM opportunities. A lot of the people pushing these opportunities go out of their way trying to convince people that there is "no selling" with their opportunity. Even though selling is exactly what you would be doing. That would be fine as long as they would be honest and tell you that you will be trying to sell people something.
Now make money on the internet and internet marketing is starting to dominate and in some cases merging together with network marketing. Almost all of the make money online programs are all about you trying to sell something to someone. That's fine except most people don't want to sell or become marketers.
Leaning marketing is a great thing and for people who want to be marketers these opportunities are great. But just like with any profession sales and marketing is a learned skill. Most people don't have these skills and most aren't going to go through the process of learning and getting good at selling. And most people just don't want to.
So how can you make money without becoming a sales person or marketer? In my opinion the best way is with the forex or foreign exchange. Before you start to think this sounds complicated, it's not. It's actually the easiest most simple business that I know of. You sign up with a broker online free. You can fund your account with less than $100 with some brokers and then you can buy and sell world currencies at the click of a mouse.
When a currency is going up you click the buy button and after it's gone up and looks like it might come down you click the sell button and take your profits. Ok you do have to sell them but instead of marketing and convincing people to buy them you just click the sell button and it's gone in an instant. The currency market is so huge that it's that easy to buy and sell.
There is more to it than that, you have to know when to by and when to sell. The markets tend to move in pattens and when you learn to identify those patterns, you can gain an advantage over the markets. These patters show up as shapes and patters that are easy to see on price charts.
At least that's the old way of doing it. Now there are software programs that will do all of that for you. These programs, called robots, monitor the markets for you and buy and sell when the markets give them the right signals. Some of these programs are getting much more consistent results than most human traders ever get.
If you want to make money without marketing, advertising or selling then trading the forex with a robot is the way to go. Make sure you get one with a proven history of making a profit. Use it on a demo account before you use an account with real money. Most brokers will give you a free demo account to practice on with fake money. With a demo account you can make sure it works without using any real money. Forex robots are not expensive and with some you don't even need to know how the forex works. I have posted a link to the one I use below.
Watch a forex robot trade the forex live.

about the author

How to Make Easy Internet Money Without Trying to Sell Anything

by M Wilson

If you spend much time on the internet you will find that there are advertisements everywhere trying to sell you something that will teach you how to make easy internet money. If you have ever bought any of these programs you were probably soon disappointed.
Most of these programs are based on the same concept. Most of them will tell you to make money by going out and trying to sell something to somebody. In most cases you will be told to sell the same money making program that you just bought. Whether it's network marketing, internet marketing or something that claims to be neither of the two most how to make easy internet money programs for sale are based on the same concept.
Some of these programs are fine for people who are good at selling and who like to sell. But most people are not good at selling and don't want to have to sell.
If you want to make easy internet money but don't want to deal with all these gimmicks then why not forget about all that stuff and make money online the same way major banks and many corporations that we are all familiar with have been making money for many decades.
Most people don't realize that by far the largest market in the world is the foreign currency market also called the forex. Trillions of dollars are exchanged on the forex daily. Not billions but trillions, this market is massive. World currencies are being traded 24 hours a day and this causes their values to constantly fluctuate. Banks and other institutions learned a long time ago that they can make massive profit from this constant fluctuation in value.
Now with the internet anyone can sign up for a forex account online and with a small amount of money be able to control a large amount of money with leverage and make a profit from these value fluctuations. In order to do this it used to require market analysis and being able to predict where the currency prices were going. That's not the case any more.
Now there is software that will do all of this for you. This software called expert advisors or robots are programmed by currency experts and once you set it up on your forex account it will buy and sell currencies for you at the right times based on time tested formulas and make money for you on autopilot. You don't even have to know how the currency markets work because the program does it all for you.
If you want to know how to make easy internet money try a forex expert advisor. The one I use doesn't cost much and is making me a very nice income all on autopilot while I do the things I want to do. Just make sure you get one with real live proof of making long term profit. Most forex brokers will give you a demo account with play money to practice on. You can try the expert advisor on a demo first just to make sure it works and will make money for you.
Watch the forex robot that I use trade the forex live and see how you can make easy internet money on autopilot.

about the outhor