Friday, April 24, 2009

World Champion Motivational Quotes and Inspirational Quotes

I just love motivational quotes and inspirational quotes. I have posters with such statements on them to keep me motivated. I believe in them because they remind us of the important attitudes in life to adopt for success. As I wrote my book, The Life Champion In You, I realized that some of my stronger statements that made it into the book could also be turned into motivational quotes and inspirational quotes. 

The main difference between these quotes and others you may have read is that these were written by me. They are part of my own philosophy in success that helped me overcome personal tragedies as well as win martial arts world championships. Of course, many motivational quotes and inspirational quotes suggest basically the same things. But the more ways we read about similar stances on achieving success, the more the underlying principles will sink into our systems.

So as part of my own contribution to our world (since we can never have enough motivation in this world), I would like to offer you the following motivational and inspirational quotes for your own journey towards your success. Hopefully, these will help you achieve everything you ever want to achieve in life.

"For every event in life, no matter how happy or horrible it might be, there is always a valuable lesson hidden in there somewhere. Sometimes it's buried underneath piles of mess but if you dig deep enough, you'll find it." 

"The entire process of becoming successful is started with making a full commitment. Making totally committed decisions is being assertive with yourself in the boldest way. This fills your mind with your goals in a way so that failure is not an option."

"If you expand one of your comfort zones in one area of life, you can then attack all other areas of life with the same confidence and the same vigor." 

"We all have the potential for greatness."

"If you were to get just a little uncomfortable and expand your comfort zone by just 10% but do it every single week, then imagine, just imagine what you would be able to accomplish in a year’s time whether it’s for your health, professional or private life."

"When you start achieving your goals, even the small ones, the confidence built up will help you weather the storms of adversity. Keep in mind that adversities can come anytime, any place, without warning, so you must be prepared. Success gives you confidence to ride through rough waves." 

"Our biggest competition is never the others. Instead, it is always ourselves. It doesn't matter if we end up with first or last place. If we do our best to do better than before, then we've won."

"You must get inspired on a regular basis. Just like vitamins, get regular doses or infusions of motivation."

So there you go. These were some of my own motivational quotes and inspirational quotes that were actual text taken right from the pages of my book. I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.

Author Info:

Clint Cora is a motivational speaker, author and martial arts karate world champion. His book, "The Life Champion In You", is about how to overcome challenges and achieve life success. It is one man's journey from personal tragedy to becoming a karate world champion. More information about his speaking programs, books, videos, more articles on motivation and success can be found at

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